Daretown School


The mission of the Daretown School is to provide a highly individualized program consisting of special education, related services, counseling and family involvement in an environment that encourages appropriate social behavior and prepares students for successful return to less restrictive public school settings.

Students Served

The Daretown School serves students in grades K-12 who:

  • Have been diagnosed as Seriously Emotionally Disturbed/Behavior Disordered.
  • Are residents of Salem, Cumberland and Gloucester Counties, New Jersey.
  • Have been judged by their sending school districts to have exhausted all in-district, ‘less restrictive’, (LRE) educational alternatives.

Daretown School

404 Daretown Rd,
Elmer, NJ 08318

Ph: (856) 358-2108

Daretown Drinking Water Quality Report

Program Strengths

  • The cornerstone of the Daretown program is its team-oriented approach. Weekly team meetings, bi-weekly collaborative (cross-curricular) planning sessions, shared decision-making and shared accountability ensure a common vision, and maximize the potential of both teachers and learners.
  • Cross-age, cross-grade grouping and a class size of 1:5 or fewer enables teachers to easily identify student strengths, weaknesses and individual learning styles, making it possible to provide highly personalized, highly effective instruction.
  • Technology infused instruction including, but not limited to, ongoing support of technology specialist to assist and advise teachers; Promethean (smart) Boards in every classroom; a minimum of three computers with wireless capabilities for every five students; and a state-of-the-art computer lab.
  • A school-wide behavior management system, three mentoring sessions per day designed to monitor ongoing student academic and behavioral performance, and group and/or individual counseling twice a week have resulted in a school environment that is nurturing, conducive to learning and one that encourages and rewards positive social behavior.
  • A consistently enforced “Zero Tolerance” Code of Student Conduct has all but eliminated truancy, serious disciplinary concerns, out-of-school suspensions, violence and vandalism.
Collage of photos from Daretown School

Programs and Services

Daretown’s programs and services are highly individualized, and are based on needs identified in each student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). They include, but are not limited to: individualized instruction, related services, individual and small group counseling, social skills training, behavior management, family involvement and support, annual pre/post achievement testing, participation in the State’s assessment program, transition and follow-a-long services.

Staffing & Support Services

Fulltime certified/highly qualified teachers, a social worker/counselor, behaviorist, registered nurse, and experienced teacher associates staff the program.

Staff meet regularly to discuss individual students, as well as current program issues and concerns. Students academic and behavioral progress is documented, and student progress reports are sent to parents/guardians and sending school districts representatives (at least) quarterly.

Related services, ongoing programs support and technical assistance are provided by the Salem County Special Services School District.

Daretown Staff Directory

Staff are listed in Alphabetical order by last name.



Other Staff