Cumberland Campus
Our Mission
The Cumberland Campus Program serves elementary students with severe disabilities from Salem and Cumberland Counties.
Our staff consists of fully certified and highly qualified special education teachers and dedicated instructional assistants. Staff receive training in Crisis Prevention and Intervention, behavior management, autism spectrum disorders, sensory integration, and other areas including augmentative communication and assistive technology as needs arise.
- Promote each child’s positive self-image and independence.
- Support the families of our students.
Curriculum Focus
- Receptive and expressive communication
- Social development
- Gross and fine motor skills
- Self-help
- Cognition
For additional information
- Brian Cummings, Principal
- Shawn Rebman, Assistant Principal
13 Ramah Road Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Main #: 856-769-0101 x5013
Fax: 856-459-1431
Drinking Water Quality Report
Preschool Disabilities
Providing highly individualized programs for Pre-School, Multiply-Disabled and Autistic students in an environment that promotes positive developmental experiences, independence and encourages the uniqueness of each child.
“The Creative Curriculum” balances both teacher-directed and child-initiated learning with an emphasis on responding to children’s learning styles and building on their strengths and interests. Learning centers, morning circle and teacher-initiated small-group activities are included. Curriculum also includes waiting for the bus and eating at the snack table. Students also have opportunities for participating in field trips, assemblies, recess, play periods, and special events with the non-disabled peers through cooperative programming with local school districts.
- Promote each child’s positive self-image and independence.
- Support the families of our students
- Focus curriculum on:
- Receptive and expressive communication
- Social development
- Gross and fine motor skills
- Self-help
- Cognition
For additional information please contact
Meggin Wentzell, Principal
13 Ramah Road Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Telephone: 856-459-1061 ext.5013 Fax: 856-459-1431
Autism Programs
To provide a highly individualized and developmentally appropriate education program for students with Autism Spectrum or Social Communication Disorders in an environment that encourages the development of social engagement, communication, independence, and academic growth, essential for each student’s eventual return to less restrictive public school settings.
Our staff consists of fully certified and highly qualified special education teachers and dedicated instructional assistants. Staff receive training in Crisis Prevention and Intervention, behavior management, autism spectrum disorders, sensory integration, and other areas including augmentative communication and assistive technology as needs arise.
Related Services
Related Services are provided by highly qualified Occupational, Physical and Speech/Language Therapists, and are provided according to students’ IEPs. Speech and language therapy, group social language sessions, and consultation with the staff regarding methods for encouraging individual students to be engaged in communication throughout the school day are emphasized.
For additional information, please contact:
Salem County Special Services School District
Autism Program Meggin Wentzell
13 Ramah Road Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Telephone: 856-459-1061 ext. 5012
Multiple-Disabled Program
The mission of the Salem County Special Services School District is to provide a highly individualized program in an environment that promotes positive developmental experiences, independence and encourages the uniqueness of each child.
Individualized Education Programs (IEP) are followed and coordinated with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Goals and objectives are reviewed regularly to insure student progress. Staff, child study team members, case managers, and parents meet regularly to make appropriate adjustments.
Student Population
The Cumberland Campus Program serves elementary students with severe disabilities from Salem and Cumberland Counties.
The program maintains small student-to-teacher ratios. Each class is led by a NJ certified and highly qualified teacher. There is at least one instructional assistant per class and more if warranted. In addition to professional qualifications, staff are caring and completely dedicated to our students.
For additional information please contact
Meggin Wentzell, Principal Cumberland Campus
13 Ramah Rd Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Telephone: 856-459-1061 ext.3 Fax: 856-459-1431
Cumberland Staff Directory
In Alphabetical order by last name. Speech Room and Ot/PT Room – x5008 and x5010